
"What am I supposed to do with this?" *looking down at the detonator in her hands... starts walking... just ahead we see the lights from the ER sign*

*sitting by the bedside of the still-comatose girl* "I didn't know where to go. I guess I figured talking to you was better than my therapist or sitting at the computer all night. I'm not a hero. Just remember that when you wake up. I mean, I have all these stupid fantasies about blowing up car speakers, only lately, it's been happening. I thought somehow I was doing it, but I ran into this guy tonight, literally ran into him and he dropped this thing and ran... it looks like it could be a detonator, but what do I know, I've only seen them in movies. I feel really alone in this. After finding you.. and what I, I guess I did to that guy who did this to you... *sigh* There's this guy online who talks the way my husband used to talk... but he's dead... maybe that's just how all guys talk. I sent him to the store for tampons of all things and he didn't come back. They said it was a drunk driver, but the guy was too afraid to stick around afterwards, so who knows. I don't know why I'm spilling all of this to you...."

*phone rings in the hospital room*

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