

I went to APE this weekend in San Francisco. It was really encouraging to be around people who self-published their comics, or those who were just there getting their comics and wares out. I'd really like to get this whole mess here done by next year. Get at least an issue done or short GN and push it some, see what the response is. What needs to be worked on. I know right now it's a bit of a mess, and there will have some editing to do when it is translated into graphics.

Maybe I just really need to purge this. Toying with the idea of calling it Memphis Belle. Google doesn't turn up any comics with that name that I was able to find. So, there is: working title.

I'm looking at lulu.com as a source for doing a small run of the issues to start, at least enough to get feedback on. They seem pretty reasonable as far as pricing.

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